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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Stronghold Crusader Sultan Abdul

 The weakest Arabic lord is Sultan Abdul. This character has a spesific fort build style. He builds a circular fort with 1 unit thick wall, one small gate and one tall tower.

 This kind sultan is ready to help whenever you need. Unlike the cruel Caliph, he will give you anything you want as long as you don't ask like 2000-3000 golds or 200 units of stones. His main forces are mercenary swordsmen. These warriors usually don't leave their sultan very often since Sultan Abdul is the weakest lord in the game. With 30-40 mercenary horseman, you will cut his resource ways and take down his army in a few minutes. If he is your ally, dont expect him to be very useful but he can contribute some resources if you ask him to.


  1. Your grammatical skills are awful.

    1. You mean, "Your grammatical skills are terrible."
